Meet the Artists : One Single Action

Lucy Guerin, Amber McCartney, Geoffrey Watson

  • Music
  • Talk
  • Sitting
Auslan InterpretationAuslan InterpretationWheelchair AccessWheelchair Access
Two dancers embrace in a fighting position, one holding a hammer above their heads.

Hear from the artists who’re riding rifts in a world fraught with interference.

How can you dance across the relentless scrolling of thoughts? Or physically interpret the acceleration of life through movement? In RISING’s One Single Action, two dancers—Geoffrey Watson and Amber McCartney (Tiny Infinite Deaths, RISING 2023)—traverse worlds of chaos to arrive at a clear and decisive act. It’s a new work by master of movement Lucy Guerin who, after premiering her large-scale piece PENDULUM (RISING 2021), returns to the intimacy of her earlier work to anchor the moment. Join host Alison Croggon and the artists for a deep dive into One Single Action’s themes and find out how they’re seeking to push contemporary dance into new places.

The talk immediately follows the 6.30pm performance. Tickets are required for this performance and can be purchased here, if available.