Day Tripper After Party

Tiamo 3, Shock Corridor, Romeo Taylor and more

  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Standing
PAST EVENT$19 — $20*$19 presale, $20 on the door
Wheelchair AccessWheelchair Access
Day Tripper After Party

Day Tripper After Party

The best Day Trips bleed into the night. Join us for the after party.

Day Tripper is RISING’s big old day party. Kick on at the after party with Tiamo 3 an instrumental group for the times—disposable, pointless and confusing but fun to dance to. Shock Corridor will be there too. They’re a Frankenstein's monster of trip-hop, new-wave, post-punk, jazz and dark blues. Romeo Taylor is over from Scotland. He’s bringing his fun-house-ride electro pop, direct from Glasgow’s DIY scene. DJs will bookend proceedings. They’re TBA.

Enter through Night Trade Stage Door.