Presented with Arts House

Gurr Era Op

Ghenoa Gela with Force Majeure in association with ILBIJERRI Theatre Company

  • Dance
  • Performance
  • Sitting
  • Arts House

  • 60 minutes (approx.)

  • Multi Pass: Buy tickets to 3 or more eligible events to save 15% off your tickets*

    *2 tickets/show discount limit

PAST EVENT$44 — $49
Auslan InterpretationAuslan InterpretationRelaxed PerformanceRelaxed PerformanceWheelchair AccessWheelchair Access
A group of people stand in the shallows of a tropical beach, holding cut-out shapes.

Gurr Era Op

Three mainland-born Torres Strait Islander women dance and weave stories of connection and culture, bringing visibility to the fight against the rising tide.

GURR ERA OP means “the face of the sea” in Meriam Mir, the language of the Eastern Torres Strait. But what happens to culture when that face starts to swallow?

Through dance, song and traditional storytelling three mainland-born Torres Strait Islander women confront the devastation of climate change to battle the rising tide. Led by multidimentional storyteller Ghenoa Gela, GURR ERA OP celebrates Torres Strait Island culture and is a call to arms for a better future for all of us.

It's a call to action, and in this period of post-referendum soul-searching, it hits hard.
— ABC News

Artistic Team

Elders/Cultural Consultants/Advisors

Anson Jack Gela, Annie Gela, Agnes Santo, Meo Sailor, Mua Sailor, Nancy Nawie, Patricia Dow, Sarah Gela, Joshua Thaiday

Creator, Writer & Performer

Ghenoa Gela

Associate Director

Amy Sole

Artistic Consultant

Danielle Micich

Set Designer

Katy Moir

Composer & Sound Designer

Ania Reynolds

Sound Associate

Carl Polke

Costume Designer

Lisa Fa'alafi

Costume Associate

Tracy Datson

Lighting Designer

Kelsey Lee


Ghenoa Gela, Taryn Beatty and Aba Bero

Production Manager

Mark Haslam

Impact Producer

Anna Weekes

Stage Manager

Krystelle Quartermain

Assistant Stage Manager

Tom Kelly


GURR ERA OP has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Major Festivals Initiative, managed by Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body, in association with the Confederation of Australian International Arts Festivals Inc., commissioned by Sydney Festival, RISING, Brisbane Festival and Ten Days on the Island.

With special thanks to Rachael Maza and the Erub Community for always welcoming the GURR ERA OP team up to the islands.

Produced by Force Majeure in association with ILBIJERRI Theatre Company.

Image Credits

Image Credit: Ashley de Prazer

Prudence Upton